

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Puerto Natales

I arrived in Puerto Natales around noon and immediately got settled into my hostel, Erratic Rock.  I was expecting a bunch of dirtbag climbers, but instead was greeted by east coast Jews- go figure!  I sat through the Torres del Paine orientation put on by Erratic Rock´s "basecamp".  The guy sitting next to me whispered "I think we have a minion".  Indeed there were about 18 Israelis there and the two of us.

I spent most of yesterday and part of today preparing for the 8-day trekking circuit around Torres del Paine.  They don´t sell dehydrated meals here, so it took a lot of thought and my pack is uber heavy.  I am guessing over 50 lbs.  I packed everything inside garbage bags to waterproof my clothes, sleeping bag, and tent.  The area is known for high wind, so pack covers do not work.  There is some food and fuel available for purchase along the trail, but it´s at a premium.  I may eat at one of the refugios as a treat, but will try not to make it a habit.  Since I am solo, I need to carry my own tent, stove and fuel.  Since there is a high potential for it to be rainy and windy, I need to bring extra clothes which also adds to the weight.  There is a whimpier way to do part of this trek called the "W" for its shape: and the less hardy stay in refugios, have showers, and get served meals, but that isn´t my style.  I have been getting rather paunchy on my South American diet and I fully expect that lugging 50 lbs over 100k will help.

I am leaving tomorrow a.m. and will be incommunicado for about 8 or 9 days, but should have some lovely pictures to share upon my return.


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