I arrived at the house of my hosts midday, just in time to join them on a trip up Catedral. It was great to be back again and there are a couple from Portland visiting as well. We took the chair lift up and walked along the ridge. Amazing views!
Later I was treated to a home cooked spaghetti dinner and a delicious fruit salad. How great is it to taste fresh fruit after being in the south of Patagonia!!?
View from the ridge; Monte Tronador is the large peak on my right and Volcan Lanin is on my left |
Dick & Trish are putting me up in their newly cleaned fixer upper guest "cabin". It was nice to unpack my backpack and to catch up with my belongings I had mailed here a month ago. Hooray for clothing choices! Hooray for a hairbrush! Hooray for deoderant!
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