My Barcelonan friend Alexis met me at 8:00am to take a taxi to go hike up Cerro Piltriquitron. Walking through town to the mountain club office to get our taxi, I was surprised at the number of young partyers still roaming the streets drinking. It was scary! Alexis managed to find 2 others to share the expensive cab ride ($6USD per person).
We were both happy to escape the ugliness of town. We began hiking at 9:30 and it took us far less time than the book had indicated. It was only 4 hrs RT to gain 1100m of elevation. It was cloudy and windy, so there were no summit views of the mountains, but at least it didn´t rain. We stopped at the refugio on the way down for mate (mah-tay)and I set about finding us a ride back to town. I successfully procured us one from a couple from Cordoba. We did not want to walk the 13 m down the dirt road.
Scultpure in the Bosque Tallado (sculpture forest) on the hike up |
Windy and cold summit photo. My thermometer said 39 degrees! |
Hiking down valley |
Tomorrow, I am taking the 9:30 bus back to BAriloche. My friends Dick and Trisha are kind enough to host me again!
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