

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Apr-16 Familia

After a rough night of cramps and runs to the bathroom, which I blame on the herbs from the witch´s market, I slowly dragged myself out of bed.  I had lunch plans with a friend of my friend Trish, named Enrique.  I met ENrique at noon for coffee and we went to pick up his wife and kid at their country club before going to his mother´s house for lunch.  It got a nice tour through some of the nicer parts of the city as we drove.  What Enrique neglected to tell me was that it was a big family party for his mother´s birthday.  I felt a little self conscious in my hiking boots as everyone else was dressed casual, but nice.

His family was really welcoming and they had a 9-piece mariachi band to celebrate the event.  His mother, the matriarch, is quite the dancer and reminded me of my grandmother, the dancing queen.  I even danced.  The fun part about mariachi is that I recognized many of the songs that are Mexican classics like Cielto Lindo and Mariachi Loco.  It was also the first home cooked meal that I have had in a while.

Mariachi band
The family owns a pharmaceutical company and they loaded me up with all sorts of anti-biotics and anti-diarrhea meds. 

Enrique´s cousin walked me back towards my neighborhood.  Since I am feeling a little better, I decided to give the Huayna Potosi climb another go.  I leave tomorrow for 2 days and if I feel like shit in the morning, I can always cancel again.  I also did some quicl trip planning for my return.  I have decided to visit the Amazon; the biologist in me can not resist the critters.  My current (rough) itinerary is as follows:

Apr 17 Travel to Huayna Potosi; ascend to high camp at 5200m
Apr 18 Climb to summit at 6088m; return to La Paz midday and nap.  Passover seder (partial) at Chabad
Apr 19 Fly to Rurrenbaque; take 3-tour of the Amazonian pampas
Apr 22 Fly back to La Paz then to Sucre by midday; tour Sucre
Apr 23 Sucre
Apr 24 Travel to Potosi (2.5 hours) take redeye bus to Tupiza
Apr 25-29 Take Uyuni tour
Apr 30 Day off hiking in Tupiza
May 1 Travel to Salta, ARG

It´s a fast track itinerary, but I don´t have much time left before the wedding.

I´m off to get some rest before going to altitude tomorrow.  Unfortunately, many Israelis have moved into my hotel and are hosting a full blown party with guitars and singing in room 103.  So I´m off to complain before heading to bed.

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